Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Tribute to my Family-by Ki

Since my family is gone, I thought I'd write about my wonderful family.

Benjamin Edward- It's been 10 years this week since we found out you had died, your birth, planning the funeral, and the visitation. The summer of 1998 was the brief fun time we had you. I think you tired your poor mom out. Your sisters enjoyed picking out maternity clothes for Mommy. During the 1996 Olympics, Mommy picked out the name she would give her son, if she ever had one. You were given the simplified version of Benjamin Edward Nathan Joseph Allan Matthew Isaac.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:29b

Je- You are my best friend on earth. I've never known life without knowing you. I don't remember ever fighting like most siblings do; that's probably due to Mommy's prayers that we would get along. When you're gone I miss you, and when you come home there is joy. Life is much more fun when you are with me.

Mommy-The lady who is so much like me. You have taken care of me for almost 18 years. For years you have driven me to my different activities, now I get to drive you around a little bit. You have encouraged me, sympathized with me, challenged me, and have been my friend for many years.

Daddy-The one who delivered me. You have faithfully worked at your job and been involved in many church activities. Once you took me to a cemetery, just for fun (I love cemeteries). You are the one who bought me my vanity. Also, you have made chocolate for our ice cream for years. Every night you read to us. Thank you!

1 comment:

Majeki said...

Thanks for the tribute Ki.
It was sweet. You made me want to cry.
