Saturday, January 31, 2009

Only 1 Wise Person Left in the Family!

Before surgery and still sane.

Yesterday, I had all four of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Although I wanted to be awake for the surgery, the oral surgeon and my mom convinced me to have conscience sedation. My mom and sister were laughing so hard at me after surgery, they had tears in their eyes!

I made funny faces. I repeatedly asked to have my picture taken (which my sister did). I kept asking for a mirror to see what I looked like. I sang and swayed to the music in the office and said, "Their music is violent!" (It was actually peppy, easy listening). Also I said, "Since I'm a major not a minor (as in 18 and over), I didn't get a Bugs Bunny band-aid." (My sister got a Bugs Bunny band-aid when she had her 12 year molars removed. ) Additionally I kept asking if I was telling bad jokes, and "Tell me a funny story."

The first thing I remember after surgery is "waking up" in the recovery area and just crying-it's common for girls my age to just do that after conscience sedation, not because they are in pain or anything. It took till about 3 o'clock for my memory to come back fully. We arrived home about noon and we watched Fireproof. Yesterday I ended up watching the Fireproof's commentary twice, because I didn't remember it the first time. There was lots of gauze changings and ice packs on for 20 min., off for 20 min. I ended up drinking 3 cans of pop yesterday, which is amazing considering my family rarely drinks pop, unless we are on vacation.

Today I have taken 2 naps and each one was about a hour long. The pain has been very easy to deal with today. It has been a lot of fun just laying around watching movies and letting my family wait on me and do the housework.

In case you are wondering, my sister is the only wise one left in the family, her wisdom teeth are coming in great!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 5 (January 8th) of our Trip

San Marcos, TX to San Antonio, TX -less than an hour's drive.

The BIG Day!

It was a little stressful getting around to leave our motel, but the drive to San Antonio was very peaceful and we didn't have any problem getting to our skyscraper, fancy, downtown hotel. The staff at the hotel were very nice and they even let us check in before 10 a.m.! We were able to take everything up to our room in one trip, which is amazing for us. We usually pack so much it takes several trips, but Mommy had worked on condensing our stuff to just what we needed for our time in San Antonio. Our room was lovely and fairly large, especially the bathroom. The view from our room of San Antonio was beautiful.
Before we left on foot to visit the Alamo, we packed sandwiches for supper. The Alamo is very much in the middle of a thriving, downtown area. Normally, people think of the famous front part as being the only part of the Alamo, but in reality it is much larger. My family had done some studying of the Alamo, before we visited it which was nice. At the Alamo we saw many other families who also attended the film festival. We ate lunch at a McDonald's downtown.
After lunch we went to the convention center, checked in (which was amazingly easy), tried to find each room where movies were being shown and just toured the place. At 2:00 Mommy and I watched Exposing a Trojon Horse and The Rock from which We Were Hewn. Daddy and Je watched The Sword at 2:00. Then at 4, we all went and saw American Adventure, which was a neat documentary about an everyday older gentleman and his impact on the people around him. The movie was done by Franklin Springs Family Media. At 5:15 the people on Homeschool Alumni were suppose to get together for a portrait, but it didn't work too well. I do know that many HSA'ers were there, they just didn't show up or didn't know about the picture session. After all that we quickly went back to our hotel and ate our sandwhiches. Then we rushed back for the opening ceremonies. Many speakers talked about there different sessions, Charlie Zahm gave a concert, and George Sarris did a narrative of Joshua. It was a long day, and we were all ready for bed by the evening.
Our beautiful hotel room

Over 2, 400 people came out for the film festival.

This is one of the rooms where we watched movies.

The view of San Antonio from our hotel room.

Day 4 (January 7th) of our Trip

Ardemore, OK to San Marcos, TX

This day was mainly traveling through Texas all day. Texas was a nice state and not at all desolate. I loved taking pictures out the window of the big cities. Their visitor center was very nice and we picked up some information on San Antonio. We ate lunch at a Wendy's in Waco, and only spent $8.80 (we try to order off the dollar menu.) Around 3:30 we arrived in San Marcos. Je and I had a room together with a King bed, which we liked. For supper we went to the local Wal-Mart to pick up sandwhich supplies. We picked up this delicious potato salad, Oh it was good! In the evening Je and I planned our whole schedule for the Film Festival (although we really didn't end up following it too much). We also watched some TV, it was neat being able to go to bed when we wanted. Day 5 is where the trip becomes very fun!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank you!

Thank you to the two people who participated in our poll!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

At the Convention Center- Pictures

Je and I waiting for the closing ceremonies to start and the Jubilee's to be given.

The stage
Much needed Directions.

Mommy and I got somewhat lost on Thursday, but at least the signs helped.

Day 3 (January 6th) of our Trip

The internet acess wasn't too reliable or we were barely at our hotel, so these next posts I'm doing now (once I returned home).

Joplin, Missouri to Ardmore, Oklahoma

This sure was a fun day. Our hotel in Jopin had a big breakfast, was very nice and inexpensive. About 10 we left our hotel and soon entered Oklahoma and went to their visitor's center. We decided to visit the Will Rogers Museum in Claremore, Oklahoma. It was a nice museum and an enjoyable break-up from the many hours in the minivan. We learned quite a bit about Will Rogers too. The state of Oklahoma is so funny. They advertise their "Free Restrooms" and constantly tell you,"Do Not drive into smoke." Also we went to a McDonalds to use their restrooms, and there were 7 stalls, we'd never seen so many stalls at a fast food. In those restrooms there were signs that said "Don't forget your purse" and "We are Very Proud of our restrooms." Then their billboards: "Hi my name is Bill Board. I'm available. Call Me." We stayed the night in Ardmore and visited their library. Je bought herself a tote bag. The scenery in Oklahoma is not much different than Illinois or Missouri.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We pack a lot!

Here we are all packed up in Joplin, Missouri. Needless to say we have had everything we need.

At the Alamo!

A week ago we visited the Alamo before the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. We had so much fun on my senior trip. (I don't think any of us are in the picture.)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 2 (January 5th) of our Trip

At our hotel room finishing up dessert, Yum!

We woke up about 6:45 EST, and Daddy and Mommy went to eat breakfast, Je and I did our devotions and then Je took a shower. After both Je and I were dressed and ready, we ate breakfast. At 9:12 we checked out of our hotel. We made a quick stop at the local Wal-Mart for a few things, then gasoline at Flying J. At 11:24 we crossed the Mississippi River at St. Louis. I enjoyed looking out the window and seeing the Arch. It has been about 10 years since I had been to this part of Missouri, so I enjoyed seeing the scenery. Daddy drove the whole way again today. Mommy drank some coke so she would stay awake, and be able to sleep at night. But Je and I slept a bit and read some. We listened to more of Jan Karon's book during our time on the road today. We had lunch, which I made, again in the car. Daddy and Mommy ate turkey sandwiches, and Je and I tuna sandwiches. At 4:00 we arrived at our hotel. We relaxed, read, checked the Internet, and watched some Hogan's Heroes. For supper we ate at the local Chick-Fil-A! Our first experience at a Chick-Fil-A was at an extremely large hospital in Richmond, VA, which was very fast paced. This was our first time at a normal Chick-Fil-A and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The workers were very friendly and helpful. We even ate dessert, which is about a once a year experience at a restaurant. Daddy got a brownie with ice cream, Je got a peppermint shake, and Mommy and I got vanilla ice cream with blueberries! It was delicious! It's time for bed and devotions.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 1 (January 4th) of Our Trip

Everyone except Mommy, slept in considering we were leaving on a long trip. Finally after we woke up, did our devotions, and people got their showers, we got everything packed- dishes done and garbage emptied. We were ready to leave about 10 a.m. Daddy drove the whole way. The three ladies slept a lot in the car. At the beginning of our trip the roads were a little icy, but the roads soon improved. In the car we listened to a cd of an update of a missionary in Israel, started listening to Light from Heaven (book on tape) by Jan Karon, and listened to a little of Buddy Davis' music. In Illinois it was very sunny. But right now it is colder outside than it was at home. Today each of the ladies has a book she is reading, Mommy - The Duggars: 20 and Counting by Jim Bob and Michelle Dugger, Ki- a biography on Pete Maravich, and Je- A book about the Boston Massacre. We arrived at our hotel at 4:22 EST, and had supper at Cracker Barrel. For lunch I made tuna sandwhiches in the car and we ate on the road.