Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy 22nd Birthday, My Wonderful Sister!

She loves her parents!

She is a whole lot of fun to travel with, and lets me take pictures of her. She is one of the few people who can read a book and listen to a book at the same time, and comprehend both. She is a great cook, and makes the best baked sweet potatoes in the whole world.

She will play with me in the snow. How many 22 year olds would take the time to go play with their "little sister"? She loves to have fun, and whenever our parents are gone it is sure to be a tremendous blast.
She is very studious, and never received anything less than an A at Baker College. She is also a lady of conviction, which is part of the reason she doesn't have a medical assistant job.
She is generous. She gives blood many times a year. She is creative. If a job needs to be done, she'll find a way to get it done.

My sister, Je is the best sister ever. She is a servant, quick to jump up and get jobs done. She is my best friend and I love it when she is home. She loves to read books (and the comics). But in this family, how could you not love books?

I love my sister!!!


Anonymous said...

You too are to be commended. What a tribute to the parents to have such beautiful and wholesome daughters. I love you, Aunt Louise

crik said...

Happy Birthday! :D