Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break

When Je has Spring Break, the whole family suddenly becomes very busy. Yesterday was my (Ki) first day home this week. Last week was my spring break, and I didn't have the time to really do school even if I had wanted too. This is a summary of what I did each day:

March 17th Finished up my school from the week before and made a Raspberry Pie.

March 18th Mommy had a birthday!! I had both my piano and violin lessons, which Je chauffeured me too. Je and I also did the grocery shopping while we were out.

March 19th Went car shopping for Je, but didn't find anything. The car must not be black, white, red, or yellow. Also the car must be a four-door, be in our price range and have anti-lock brakes. We are Very picky. We also went out to eat to celebrate Mommy's birthday.

March 20th Finally I stayed home. Mommy and I started two nightgowns for me in the afternoon.

March 21st The whole family went to see my Grandma. For lunch we ate at Cracker Barrel. On the trip we listened to Providential Battles by Bill Potter. They were very interesting. In the morning it was a beautiful spring day, but by the evening it was a horrible snowstorm.

March 22nd Daddy and Je both worked in the morning. Mommy and I about finished my nightgowns. In the evening we went to some people's house for supper. We had delicious enchiladas, a rice corn mixture, a tossed salad, and layered pudding dessert to eat. Also, we enjoyed a good time of fellowship. The people must have done some research on us, because they had our favorite salad dressings and they were even the right brand. They also served us enchiladas, and we're (at least I am) a big fan of Mexican food.

March 23rd We all went to church and rested, (once we got back home that is).

March 24th I started back up on school. I had my I year check-up on my retainer and my teeth.

March 25th The day of the Book Bomb on the Do Hard Things made it to number 5 on Amazon!!! Also, Je's place of employment had their ground breaking for their new building.

March 26th The ladies volunteered at International Aid from 9-2:30. We worked with orthopedic supplies all day. In the evening I had the privilege of playing the piano for Wednesday night church.

March 27th Finally, a day to focus on doing some school. I was able to get lots of it done, and about all caught up.

March 28th, Today-I did miscellaneous things this morning. Tonight all the aunts, uncles, Grandma, and probably a couple of the cousins, are gathering at my uncle and aunt's house for a game night!!

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