Je had a nice birthday last Tuesday and received many nice things. Last week on Friday the ladies went shopping and Je bought some shirts with the money she received. I gave her a blue fleece jacket, the book Journey of the Heart, and money for discounted Valentine's Candy. Recently she has become sick and tired of school. Only 22 school days until she's done. Her week in school included venipuncture, an EKG, and many lab tests. The library where she works has finished moving into the temporary location, and opens Monday to the public. Next Thursday, I'm going to go to work with her.
Today my Daddy has been working for the same company for 26 years.
School for me (Ki) has been going extremely well this week. I've been going ahead in school and working around the house in the afternoon. For American History, I read Captain Bailey's Heir by G.A. Henty. It is very engrossing and hard to put down. My goal is to finish high school by December, though Je thinks I should aim for September. We'll see if I make it by December or not.
This blog is suppose to be Mommy's, Je's and mine, but it seems, I'm the only one who writes. I guess everyone else must not get into it; though Mommy is the one who came up with the idea of getting a blog. They do proof-read it before anything is posted, and I ask their suggestions on what to write about.
The movies at our house tonight are: The Muppet Movie, and a video from Vision Forum about Jamestown. They both are sure to be good. Later in the evening, usually popcorn is snacked on. I'm going to straighten material for a watermelon print summer nightie, Je's going to work on school, and Mommy is going to fill in her March/April Daytimer and put pictures in scrapbooks.
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