Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Yesterday we had a delightful family Christmas at home. We even started opening at 9:30, which is pretty early for us. All of us were blessed with many presents. We like to go with many not too expensive presents, rather than a few expensive presents. Daddy



Note: There is a poll on the top right of this blog. You are welcome to participate, so we know some one reads this blog except ourselves. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy 26th Engagement Anniversary

Guess who got engaged 26 years ago?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

2008 Christmas Letter

I thought I would post the unedited version of our Christmas letter, before it is critiqued and changed by my family. I did leave some things out for safety. When I return from my senior trip I will post lots of pictures and tell all about it, but until then I'm not allowed to say on my blog where I'm going.


Well, I (Ki) am the only one who somewhat likes to write, so I guess I’m the one to write the letter this year. Although I’m sure my family will revise this letter multiple times.

In Daddy’s life everything is about the same. He still enjoys his job at ****** most of the time, walking with Mommy when the weather permits, and eating fruits and vegetables for lunch each day. Actually I think sometimes he gets tired of eating the same food everyday for lunch. In September his dad died from pneumonia. Our family was able to be with his parents for not quite a week before his dad died.

Mommy is joyfully looking toward retirement of homeschooling me. Hopefully she will be able to do things that had to be put on hold while homeschooling. She often has some ache or pain, but she endures it with grace. She enjoys spending time with her family and imparting wisdom into her daughters. This year was Daddy and Mommy’s 25th Anniversary. In July they went to a Friends of Israel Prophecy conference to celebrate their anniversary early.

Je received her Associates Degree in Medical Assisting in June from *** College. Since I’m her sister I’ll tell you she received all A’s her entire time at ***. The end of June she took the Certification exam, and she is now officially a CMA. She is yet to find a job as a medical assistant, but she loves her job at our local library, working at least 14 hours a week. Her family loves it when she is home with them.

Ki is anxiously anticipating finishing high school! Her goal is to have finished all her subjects by the end of 08 except for two of her subjects. The beginning of ***** she and her family plan to attend *****. It is her senior trip and she is counting down the weeks. As her school load lightens up, she plans to help more around the house and study homemaking more in depth. One of her greatest delights is playing the piano. Her blog is and she tries to post a couple times a month on what’s going on in our family’s life.

In May the whole family went up to Camp Barakel in Fairview, Michigan. The ladies went to a Mother/Daughter retreat, and Daddy went to a Men’s Retreat. The beginning of July we went down to visit Daddy’s parents. August brought the annual User's Group in Pittsburgh that both Daddy and Mommy went to. Daddy went to classes and Mommy enjoyed spending time in the hotel room.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's A Wonderful Life

I'm really enjoying the season of life I'm in right now. Being eighteen is so much fun! Although I still have 5 subjects left in school, in my view it really is only 2. For British History all I have left is to watch a couple of movies. My class in Marriage & Family will be done once I finish up The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace, and read Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. Piano is counted as a subject, but to me playing the piano is like being told to eat dessert-it's a joy. So that leaves me with just Government and English Literature. Mommy has been bugging me to do Government, so I read a chapter and did the questions for it today, now she thinks I'm going to fast. I just can't satisfy her. English Literature is my big subject because I'm only half-way done.

With only two main subjects, I have enjoyed doing lots of fun things. On Tuesday I made a big batch of peppermint cookies. Tuesday night Je and I had an enjoyable snow ball fight. Yesterday I finished today's school, so I made s'mores bars and did domestic things today. Also with less school, I have time to read one of my favorite magazines, Reminisce. There are three things I like to do for fun, cook, spend time with my family, and read.

At my house we have been getting lots of snow. I love snow!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ki's 18th Birthday Pictures

My favorite type of presents are music books!
All the cards and presents I received

My birthday cake

The balloon and cake my friend Molly gave me for my birthday.

Ki's Senior Photos

In September I had my senior pictures taken, here are some of them:


Hello to anyone that might be reading this. Sorry, we have not posted anything recently. We are all doing well. Je just finished an online class on Powerpoint this week. Her family has enjoyed having her at home when she's not working at the library. Ki has been very busy with schoolwork. Yesterday she finished her classes in Courtship and Physical Education. In the next couple of weeks British History should also be done. Government, English Literature, and Piano will be done in a couple of months.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Ki!

Happy 18th Birthday Ki!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pictures of My Dad's Relatives

Dad with some of his cousins, Aunt Louise and Uncle Charles

Dad with cousins

Jim and Karen

Robert and Jane

Pat and Betty

Uncle J.D. and Dottie

Pat, Lou Ann, and Betty

Barry and Betty

Uncle Charles and Aunt Pauline

Jane and Rhena

Robert, Ki and Dad

Fun on the Piano

Pictures of Flowers

Top of the casket


Assisted Living


Next door neighbor's extended family

Whitney's family

Pat, Colby and Family

Dad's Work

Uncle Charles on Grandmother's side

The Printers

Cousins of Grandpa

Mom's relatives

Wax Family

Dave, Mary, Molly, Matt, and Kathryn's Families

Flowers from our church

Gaines Family

Jim, Kitty, Barbara and Lizzy's families

Robert and Jane

John's Family

Flowers from Grandpa & Grandmother's neighbors

The Chapel

The Gravesite